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  1. I used the same disk sizes (thin provisioned) and virtual nic configurations that were originally configured on the ova file. 4 nics = VNXNET 3
  2. Thanks! I was able to get this running with all mandatory packages DEPLOYED on ESXI6.5 with 48vCPU and 224 GB Ram on none-SSD disks. The trick is to: 1- convert the DNAC-SW- to a DNAC-SW- with ovftool. (ovftool DNAC-SW- DNAC-SW- 2- edit DNAC-SW- file and change VM hardware type to vmx-13 (<vssd:VirtualSystemType>vmx-13</vssd:VirtualSystemType>) ※The original DNAC-SW- has hardware type vmx-14 which can only be deployed on ESXI7.0 and higher so change it to vmx-13 if you want to deploy on ESXI6.5 and to vmx-12 if you want to deploy to ESXI6.0. 3- after deploying the VM but before powering on, edit the settings and remove the hardcoded 64000mhz CPU reservation by changing it to "none" and hardcoded 256 gig RAM memory reservation by changing it to "none" 4- You can then give the DNACv VM more than the OVA file hardcoded 32 vCPUs to compensate for the weak CPU cores which cannot manage 64000mhz CPU reservation on 32 vCPUs. (For mine I gave it 48 vCPUs and that was enough to DEPLOY all applications on the DNACv and keep them running in a stable state) That's all. Good luck and happy labbing!!
  3. I think you are missing the point here that the specs for the ova is 32vCPU/256GB Ram, whereas the physical appliance which you need to simulate to install the iso have minimum specs of 88vCPU/256GB Ram. Not many of us have a machine which has those heavy specs but any relatively cheap HP Proliant Gen7/8 DL380 server supports 32vCPU/(upto 800GB Ram). Since the CPU is the deciding factor here, ova from Cisco which can run on our meager Hardware would be the choice for most of us here.
  4. Hi @StudentDude, would you by any chance be kind enough to share this DNACv OVA file? 🙏 Several of us on this forum are eager to try it out.
  5. You run out of CPU/Memory resources to deploy all the service bundles available, thus the containers necessary to bring up the dnacaap-app-services did not come up. Run the command (watch -n 10 "magctl appstack status | grep -v Running ") to see if services are "CrashLooped" or constantly in "Pending" state to confirm this. Also run (watch -n 10 "magctl node status | grep -A 6 Allocated ") to see the 6 lines that show used overcommitted memory/CPU and commit limits in 10 sec intervals
  6. Noted with thanks! Unfortunately, I was trying to use the version of packages on the iso without downloading the latest from ciscoconnectdna website, thus, had to turn off my Internet like explained by @Loki. For anyone else interested, here is the order as helped by the "maglev package deploy -R" command to resolve dependencies.
  7. Hello all, If manually deploying the DNAC packages, which is the recommended order of deployment? Thanks in advance
  8. Hello, Anybody still have this DNAC-SW- file? It looks like the original link is dead. Thanks in advance
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