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  1. Kindly reshare this please as those links have expired..
  2. doxi


    Hi there, is there anything specific you would be willing to share with us here? Anything really.
  3. This screams 'I have never attended a Juniper training course nor gone through their lab manual'. While you are waiting for a reply with no answer, you could google how to load a qcow2 file. Assuming you have done some Juniper training before and looked at a lab manual (which you should have by now if attempting JNCIE) then you wouldn't be clueless on where to start. So rather than waltz attitude:- politeness. Costs nothing.
  4. You are welcome mate. I had this issue before and let's just say I ditched the static. Not really worth the pain for standard subscriber termination.
  5. Have you actually tried that on a testbed and it worked? Not getting involved in that mate, sorry.. 🙂 Framed-IP-Address is on accounting request. DHCP would be on access request. By the time that accounting request is propagated, the subscriber will already have been given a DHCP address.
  6. Mixing both static(radius explicit configuration) and DHCP(router subscriber pool) on the same subscriber instance(same range) is not really a good idea. You could fudge it from the radius side and point a static subscriber to a static lns but it will cause funny issues like automated subscriber administration. Assuming you also got lns setup. I would separate them two from the onset.
  7. Open a ticket with your JTAC or CFTS.
  8. That's real easy mate and I can understand why the owner is not bothered by these 'pdf' requests.. Google it.. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
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