Share Section Rules ! (Read before posting)
Rules for share section
1. Use proper prefix , Use [Offer] tag if you are offering any study material and [Req] tag if you are requesting for one.
2. Check / Search for open topics. Before posting a new request, please use search feature to see if it has already been shared.
3. Things to remember before opening a new offer / request thread.
1. A Offer thread should have a correct title and brief description about the material to be shared.
2.Do not use RED color font in your posts, red color is meant for moderators only.
3.Do not Post / Offer Non - IT stuff in this section.
4.Don't open a new "Request" thread for information (i.e. hey how does this work?),
5.Don't open a new "Offer" thread for tutorial / procedure (This is how you update something) , such posts will be removed without any comments.
Share Section is meant for sharing files only, to ask questions or share ideas use discussion forums.
. When posting links use the hide tag. This can be done by adding
[hide] Your url goes here [/hide]
5. Do not bump your Request / Offer threads unless you want to reply to a member's query. New download links (if any) should be updated in the main post itself instead of a new post.
6. Be sure to use the "thanks" button (as shown in the announcements here instead of posting useless "thanks, thank you, 10x, +1 and smileys without any comment or other useless comments" which only pushes the thread to the top and does not make hidden content visible.
7. Use report button to report dead links , offer/request threads posted in the wrong share section, Non - IT stuff, spam and fake / out-dated study materials.
8. Do not post or ask for Email / Skype IDs in the share sections, such posts will be removed without any comments and the member doing so will face stringent action taken against him which includes a warning point and disabled posting power. Same goes for members trying to do an exchange or sell study materials by posting "PM ME" or "I have this" posts. Share section is meant for sharing things and not for doing any kind of business.
---CertCommunity Team