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  1. Now as I've read about Helm chart I remember that there was one exercise with helm charts. But it was just about adding a repo and installing the chart. Nothing difficult. As of operator there was one exercise but all of it you can do from UI - really simple as well.
  2. Just passed EX280 recently (4.14). Here are general topics: 1. HTPasswd auth provider configuration, and users creation via htpasswd. 2. Assigning users to groups, giving them view, edit, cluster-admin roles etc, removal of kubeadmin user (you have to remove a secret in kube-system ns). 3. Removing access to self provision projects (you need to edit self-provisioners clusterrolebinding and disable autoupdate in annotations), and giving that access only to selected ones. 4. Configuration of an project template with custom LimitRange and ResourceQuota. When new project gets created, they use these LimitRange/ResourceQuota resources. 5. Network policy between two project. There's an existing networkpolicy that blocks all ingress, and you have to create new one to allow traffic on selected port, from selected namespace. 6. Usage of 'oc adm must-gather'. 7. By hand creation of PersistentVolume, PVC which use certain NFS storage class + deployment, service + route configuration. Difficulty there is that you need to go to that storage class manually and copy nfs address and path, and put it into PV, as it won't self provision itself. 8. Configuration of edge route, using custom generated key and certificate using provided script to generate them. 9. Troubleshooting pods (eg. there's invalid selector in service, or a single container has requirements of 100 cpu cores). 10. Installation of an new operator (it's easy to do via web UI). 11. Giving an serviceaccount permission to run as any uid (usage of SCC). 12. Installation of helm chart via provided repo. Overall there were around 20 questions but above it's a jist of it.
  3. This is all you need: [Hidden Content] . You can setup your own OpenShift cluster on your own machine.
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