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  1. OVA file of 5.0.0 or 5.0.1 thanks
  2. Dear all, If anyone has access of Juniper portal, can you download and share Juniper Apstra 5.0 pls! Appreciate in advance. Thanks Regards
  3. I also need one. Pls DM if you have one. Thanks
  4. Hi all, Grab it and get certified. 100% Q's from here till last 15th Feb'24. Not 100% correct but you can easily get 90%. [Hidden Content] Thanks
  5. R2013

    [REQ] vQFX 21.xx

    I think 21.x is available only for internal. So I made a workaround by using vMX 23.x and it's working as expected.
  6. R2013

    [REQ] vQFX 21.xx

    I think 21.x is available only for internal. So I made a workaround by using vMX 23.x and it's working as expected.
  7. Hello, Can we connect as I need that urgently for JNCIE DC practice which is this month's end? Share the pricing too.
  8. The best option is to use a test environment and test it before deploying it in production.
  9. R2013

    [REQ] vQFX 21.xx

    If anyone has this, pls share.
  10. Hi If anyone has JNCIE DC lab details, please DM me. Someone needs help urgently. Thanks
  11. After a long time, I am back here again. Just to update - I couldn't complete my DC and trying to complete it by Jan'24. If possible, add me too. Thanks..
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