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  1. Safe to say MNB is dead. Looks like trainings for v2 didn't get too well for new "owner". The only thing I still see on the market - is Orhan, but not sure it worth it either.
  2. On my Linkedin network I saw few months ago that there are plans to publish the book, but seemes to be still on the developments. In my opinion, with current curriculul would be not only not possible to have one book, would be insane to create such 🙂 Even the book for v 2.1 was more like a spit in the sky. that material was not enough even to pass the wrriten with 50% )))) We have to understand and accept that CCDE is not an one book exam. (MANY BOOKS) By looking at all the material I had to go trough and videos which also include many small details, I would think about an 20k page book. For me that would be something like "Santa Barbara TV-SHOW" in the books world
  3. You still need the exe from crack folder to overwrite the original ones
  4. There are other 2 questions with similar comparission. Those are more tricky. The one with QoS, means the connectivity should be pure L2 and only DWDM and CWDM do this. Metro Ethernet is an VPLS (not pure L2). So, the cost is really between these 2 and is CWDM Another one, is with the capability to increase the bandwidth, and only DWDM can oversubscrive if I recall corectly.
  5. At the beggining of the thread you have the vce and lower you have the vce reader and designer You can download and use them
  6. I am not sure about this one More seems A and C, even SD-WAN is control and forwarding planes are separate
  7. This is what I think is correct At least I didn't find anything much about other tecnologies than Cloud onRamp SaaS
  8. I think this is correct IGMP is for IPV4 and MLD is for IPv6
  9. you're the man 🙂 Thanks a lot Was looking for this one
  10. Anyone comments about this one? I am not sure is correct
  11. The key here should be the large-scale migration. And because of nature of the migration (Datacenter), most likelly is a very-high speed and not all in one shot So, will be an L2. Here we can exclude MPLS. They didn't mention anything about DC's location, so in this situation, would exclude CWDM (as it is for metro area only) So, we have DWDM and MetroE So, in this question the answer will be really MetroE. If they would say is more than 10 Gbps, then would be DWDM This is just my opinion 🙂
  12. What you mean all questions are same?
  13. @cciede11sure you need to buy the vce player. you see only 5 because is DEMO version.
  14. can you please share the pdf?
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